Day 2 in bkk! Bought 3 pairs of shades the day before,
one is left untouched, it's for my dear friend
who dropped her shades in a disgusting toilet hahaha! (:
Couldn't decide which one to wear!!!
Hahaha, too many to choose from also headache.

Had breakfast @ the hotel, and headed out to
chatukchat weekend market for 2nd round of shopping there!

Hahahas, didnt take any photo when we're shopping,
so busy spending $ who has time to snap pictures! hehe
Oh btw, everyone knows the weather in bkk is a total buzz-kill!
Kills all our fun from the shopping when you're dripping with sweat
& feeling all sticky and grossed out.
So here's my "beat the heat" shopping tip!
Every once in awhile we spot those "aromatherapy" shops,
selling essential oil/candles, bath products,
they usually have air conditioning, so we just hop in and enjoy the free air-con,
soak ourselves in the caaaaalming essential oils and just chill..
AND HOP ON BACK TO SHOP and we feel muuuuuch more revitalized!
Hahahahah. That's a cheap tip, but it works!
Went to Siam Square to find a pair of new heels
because i was suppose to go to the wedding performance with boyf & the band.
Can't expect me to wear my jelly sandals to such an atas event right!
We found a Watsons!
Hahaha, i can never resist watsons even when i'm overseas.
Lol, look what's in my boyf's shopping basket...

Carrying my paaaaaaaad!!! hehehe, love him.

Alrighty, so here's my list of awesome shopping spots in Bkk:
(Top to bottom for the level of AWESOME SHOPPING EXPERIENCE!)
- Chatukchat Weekend Market (Open from 8am-6pm only!)
- Siam Square
- Suan Lum Night Bazaar (After shopping can go for cheap foot massage too!)
- Platinum mall
Like srsly, these 4 places is enough to keep me entertained for the few days!
They are all SOOOO BIG, feel like i don't like enough strength
in my legs to finish shopping at these few places!
Oh and we tried this thingy from a street stall,
Boyf is so good at trying new foodie and stuff.
I'm usually too engross in my shopping to care about food..
but boyf will see interesting food and starting stuffing
in my mouth to make me try. Awwwww, so sweet. (:

This thing is SOOOOO good!!!!
We bought it just at the entrance of Siam Square,
i hope the street vendor will still be there on our next trip
cos it just so delicious!!! If we have known we would've bought more. ):
Here's my shopping buys from chatukchat & siam square that afternoon!
Rushed back to the hotel to prepare
to get to Plaza Athenee for the wedding gig.

Rilakkuma tissue!!! (:
Lol, very kiasu bought so many, i wanted to buy more!!!
Here's one of my favourite buy of all:

It was $140 but they were having 50% sale
so i bought it at a whooping $70 bucks!
What a steal! Love the pink poufy insoles with gold ball-beads!

Very happy with my loooooots! (:
Then we cabbed over to Plaza Athenee,
stupid cab drivers don't wanna fetch cos it's too near
and tried to quote us ridiculous rates for a 5 minute journey.
Idiots. Oh well, if you don't wanna fetch us, other cabbies would!
Here are some of the photos i took, but just only afew..

Einein on keyboard, Kexin & Boyf vocalist,
Wahyong the bassist & Daniel on drums.

Ran off to the cafe @ the lobby to chill,
Woot, thank god i brought mummy's netbook since the hotel
we're staying at provides free wi-fi throughout our stay, mad awesome.

There's only one hour free wi-fi at Plaza Athenee..
so i was twittering.. watching vids, updating on my blog-reading (lol)
over a pot of chamomile tea & a sweet almond crossiant!
(Not really a POT of tea thou, it's really a JUG of tea.
So damn worth my $$$ lol)
Since that was the only night i had falsies on throughout the whole trip,
so must CAMWHORE! hahahaha

So after the one hour free wi-fi, i had nothing to do again.. ):
Went to the hotel's spa, fully booked, not even a foot massage!
I really needed one.. boooo..

So i went to Glaze Bar and settled down there!
I think it was the last night of soccer, so the decor was..
Ugh, can't even get away from the bunch of people chasing
after one stupid ball when i'm @ bkk! FML
Ordered a magaritaaaaaaaaaaaaa
& got high alone. LOL SO SAD!

So i was slighty high.. and trying to read my
Sidney Sheldon ebook on mummy's netbook.
Not exactly fun when i'm half asleep...
Finally the event is over!
Totally do not appreciate being on the receiving end of boyf's nagging/black face
when i spent the past few hours waiting for him!

Trying to act cool... :x

See the SJ behind?
Stands for Suki & James, so cool right.
Lol wore the tee we bought from chatukchat
& went down for a very late dinner! (It was like 11-12am, lol)

Black Canyon Coffee, don't go there for the food.

The ice cream is good thou! (:
Day 3 is gonna be up sooooooon!
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